- Rectors and former rectors, general managers, trustees, students and alumni, teachers, researchers, administration and service staff talk about their links with UVic-UCC.
- These words are a portrait of the entire university community, from its origins down to the present day, and looking ahead to the challenges of the future.

Ricard Torrents Bertrana
First Rector of UVic, 1997-2002
I can still hear the words of other people, when I started talking about a university in Vic: "You don’t mean it, Ricard?" Today, 25 years on, UVic-UCC is a fact. What interests me most is its future role in science and research, education and progress in an interconnected world, providing all-round training.
We must rise to the challenge of creating Catalan universities that are building blocks for a new European country. There can be no excuse. Taken together the Catalan universities can be once again a true national University of Catalonia.
David Serrat Congost
Rector of UVic, 2002-2006
Four years of leadership at UVic have left their mark on me: for the generosity of the people who put their trust in me, and for the seed left by my predecessor, the founder of the University, which opened doors for me at Vic City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya, in particular, and of other organisations that supported us. Continuing like this, success is guaranteed for another 25 years!

Assumpta Fargas Riera
Rectora of UVic, 2006-2010
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of our University is without a doubt a source of great satisfaction for all of us who form part of it today. And this satisfaction is even greater for those of us who have been lucky enough to see it grow year on year since its beginnings: when we were just a small regional teacher training school, planting a seed that would grow down the years. A true privilege.
Jordi Montaña Matosas
Rector of UVic-UCC, 2010-2018
Mission accomplished, with a great team: research, international outlook, continuing education and vocational training, digital transformation and regional activities. Enhanced communication across social networks. The first doctor honoris causa, Emili Teixidor. UVic Professional Campus in Olot and Vic. New buildings and constructions in the sports arena, at the Ateneu cultural centre and at Casa de Convalescència. Premises in Barcelona. Federation with FUBages (Manresa), creating UVic-UCC. Premises in Granollers. The Faculty of Medicine.
Thanks to all who have made this possible!

Joan Masnou Suriñach
Rector of UVic-UCC, 2018-2019
Thirty-three years in an institution leave all kinds of memories, good and not so good, but above all I feel privileged to have been able to participate as a teacher, researcher and manager in a project for our country that has become a great success. Nothing has been in vain and, as in a relay, expertise is passed on from person to person, creating a stronger, smarter community.
Jordi M. Vila d'Abadal Serra
President of the Balmes University Foundation, 2007-2015
UVic-UCC is without a doubt the largest project launched by the city of Vic in the 20th century. The University has made it possible to create a service infrastructure for central Catalonia, creating knowledge on the basis of our longstanding traditions. The cities taking part in this initiative are together building a powerhouse for economic, social and cultural progress in Catalonia. For me, it has been a great honour and a source of pride to take part.

Josep Arimany Manso
President of the Foundation for Advanced Studies in Health Sciences
The incorporation of a Faculty of Medicine into UVic-UCC brings great value across a range of fields. It is an asset for UVic-UCC itself and also a hub for health, economic and social development in central Catalonia. It offers, among other things, the opportunity to attract and retain doctors for the health service of central Catalonia, it passes knowledge from research to the wider community through teaching and transfer, playing a key role in social development.
Joan Turró Vicens
Director General of the Balmes University Foundation
UVic-UCC is celebrating its 25th anniversary whilst at the same time receiving international recognition of its ability to provide quality teaching and research. This historic milestone, which has been difficult to reach, can now be added to other significant achievements, such as the federation agreement with Manresa and the important consequences that this entailed: the creation of the Faculty of Medicine, and the latest agreement with Elisava.

Valentí Martínez Espinosa
Director General of the Bages University Foundation
The federation within the framework of the University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia has been a key factor for sustainable growth of the Bages University Foundation, building on its own expertise and resources. It has allowed us to take on full responsibility as a university, and to make valuable contributions to enhancing the quality of life of people and the competitiveness of the region through teaching, research and service provision.
Jaume Puntí Busquets
First General Manager of UVic, 1997-2002
Of these 25 years, two things stand out: the first, the contract programme with the Generalitat, which has made it possible to keep a lid on tuition fees, reduce private funding and ensure the proper operation of all the faculties. I wish we had this instrument in 1984! That would have saved a lot of headaches! The second is the creation of the Faculty of Medicine, today a fully functioning reality.
Congratulations for these results and for all the hard work!

Josep Ribas Seix
Trustee of the Balmes University Foundation
UVic-UCC has consolidated itself in a good position among Catalan universities. I would emphasise its ability to set up initiatives throughout the region of central Catalonia. Furthermore, the commitment to its mission of training talent and generating the research and knowledge transfer that contributes to economic, social and cultural progress in its sphere of influence, in all fields, promoting innovation and sustainability, while contributing to the development of our country, and all this with a strong international outlook.
Pere Quer Aiguadé
Teacher and researcher at UVic-UCC
I joined the current UVic-UCC in 1994, when it was still a conglomerate of affiliate centres. For almost 30 years, I have had the privilege of experiencing the growth of this unique project, of the University, from within and close up. For me, UVic-UCC is a story of personal and collective growth, with all its successes and setbacks, giving me the opportunity of pursuing a career among colleagues and friends, who it has been my great good fortune to have as guides in life.

Bet Dachs Rossell
Director of the UVic-UCC OTRI
For an organisation like ours, 25 years is a significant milestone.
During this time, we have gained prestige in many fields. I will focus on research activity, which I have seen grow thanks to the efforts and vision of many people, who have allowed the entire Research Transfer Office (OTRI) team to play our part. Today we can discuss results, collaboration, international projection, territorial challenges, professionalism, networking; in short, the University.
Congratulations to the whole UVic-UCC community!

Elisava federation with UVic-UCC is a key milestone on our path. An ambitious, exciting new stage for all of us to continue promoting research, generating knowledge and having a positive impact on society.
Javier Peña Andrés. Director General and scientist at the Elisava Foundation.
It is a source of satisfaction that since 2014 we have travelled together, on a path that is beneficial for Vic, Manresa and the whole country. Warmest congratulations on the 25th anniversary of UVic-UCC.
Valentí Junyent Torras. Mayor of Manresa, 2011-2020.

Universities provide knowledge and growth, as a force for individual and collective progress. UVic-UCC has been training people for a quarter of a century and shaping the future of central Catalonia. Happy anniversary!
Marc Aloy Guàrdia. Mayor of Manresa.
A university on a human scale that helps you grow personally and professionally. The chance to carry out teaching, research and management tasks offers all-round career growth, and this is a great asset.
Míriam Torres Moreno. Teacher and researcher.

UVic-UCC has given me theoretical and practical knowledge. Our teachers seek to provide training through an enriching approach, encouraging practical activities and preparing us for the future. In these years as a student, I can honestly say that I would not change any of my experience at UVic-UCC.
Maria Rustullet Olivé. Undergraduate student of Early Childhood Education.
UVic-UCC is not like other universities where you are just a number for the teachers. Here I felt appreciated and received the support I have needed at all times. I went from not wanting to take a course to thinking about my next goals.
Ivan Ortega Asensio. Student of 3D Animations, Games and Interactive Environments (CFGS) and the Degree in Multimedia. Applications and Video Games.

I was very warmly treated by the teachers on my course. I think I have learnt a lot about what it means to be a field biologist and I have fond memories of this period.
Laura Simó Trillo. Undergraduate student of Biology.
UVic was close at hand every step of the way. Just a few minutes from home, I had the support, vision and ambition of a group of teachers that helped me grow and prepare for the professional world.
Queralt Aymerich Tarrés. Former student of the Degree in Business Administration and Management.

The MBA was a transformative experience in terms of life and learning. We were a very diverse group, enriching each other. Top class teachers gave us a 360º all-round view of the complexity of organisations.
Teresa Solé Torra. Former student of the Master's Degree in Business Administration.
We students really value clinical internships early on in our training and close contact with teachers, but most of all, that we are learning medicine with a humane approach, where the patient is at the heart of everything we do.
Arnau Roviró Aliguer. Medical student.